Zoladdiction (Reading Zola in April 2013)

zoladdiction-button1Next April, Fanda and o (Délaissé)  will be hosting a reading event to celebrate the birth month of a classic writer, Émile Zola. All we have to do is reading one or more Zola’s books during April 2013. There are 3 levels:

1st level: Maheude (reading 1 book)
2nd level: Gervaise (reading 2-3 books)
3rd level: Nana (reading 4 books or more)I’ve only read one book by Zola, Therese Raquin, and I felt that I should read more of his books. So this is the time. I’ll start with the first level : Maheude, I’ll try to read Germinal.

More about this event, see the announcement here and there.

PS: I’d love to copy a paragraph from o (Délaissé)

Addiction (/əˈdikSHən/): (n) From the Latin addictionen – The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
Zoladdiction (/zoh’luh’dikSHən/): (n) From Fanda – The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in Zola.

Let’s see how it’ll work 😉

4 responses to “Zoladdiction (Reading Zola in April 2013)

  1. It looks like there will be a lot of Germinals read this April 🙂 Good luck!

  2. Yes, I love that paragraph from o too! 🙂

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