Scene on Three (11)


So there we stood, hands dug deep in our pockets, Ob looking at Cletus, Cletus looking up at the sky, and me looking down at the ground. Ob talked about what a good wife May was and all the sweet things she’d done for him—for us—while she was living. I was kind of surprised at the things Ob picked to talked about. I figured he’d choose the big ones—like her secretly saving up for three years in a row to buy him that expensive plane saw he was coveting over at Sears. Or the year she stayed awake thirty-two hours straight when fever from the chicken pox had me full of delirium, so sick I wanted to die.
But the heroic gestures of hers were ignored, and he chose instead to mention the simpler things how she had rubbed down his ailing knee with Ben-Gay every single night, not missing a one, so he might be able to stand on that leg when he got out of bed the next morning. The way she had called to me through the window when I was little and playing the swing set, saying, “Summer honey, you are the best little girl I ever did know,” then going back to whatever she was doing. (I had not remembered this about her until that moment.) And a series of other sweetnesses that Ob had obviously cradled in his memory, looking for some way to bring them to life.

Scene di atas saya ambil dari buku pemenang Newbery Medal tahun 1993, Missing May by Cynthia Rylant. Saat itu, mereka bertiga sedang melakukan ‘ritual’ yang diharapkan bisa membuat mereka mampu berkomunikasi dengan arwah Bibi May. Yang menarik dari scene ini adalah bagaimana seseorang mengingat orang yang paling disayanginya, setelah dia tidak ada. Bukan hal-hal besar, bukan kejadian luar biasa, tetapi hal-hal kecil yang mengisi hari-hari mereka saat bersama-sama, yang mungkin tak terasa istimewa saat orang tersebut masih ada, namun sangat dirindukan saat orang tersebut tiada.

Scene ini menyadarkan betapa pentingnya kebaikan-kebaikan ‘kecil’, kata-kata sayang, sentuhan-sentuhan lembut, lebih daripada yang kita kira.

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2 responses to “Scene on Three (11)

  1. Wih, ritualnya ngga pake voodoo kan ya? Bisa seremmm hihihi…

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